Memorial donations to the David A. Howe Public Library are a generous way to remember or honor relatives, friends, or co-workers. When memorial donations are made, an acknowledgement of your gift is sent to the family, or to the person of your choosing.
To send a contribution by mail, simply print, complete and send in our memorial donation form.
Book Memorials
Donations of specific items may also be made in memory of or to honor specific individuals.
Library staff will will work with the donor to select books in a subject area of the donor’s choice given availability of materials.
New items that meet the library’s selection policy may also be donated to the library for the collection. All book memorials receive book plates with the names of the individual and the donor, an acknowledgement of your gift is sent to the family, or the person of your choosing.
Thank you for your generosity.
All contributions are tax-deductible in the U.S. The David A. Howe Public Library is recognized as tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.