The David A. Howe Public Library seeks to select, organize, preserve, and make freely available those materials, print and non-print, which will fulfill the informational, recreational, social, and educational needs of the community.
Whenever possible, at least two (2) favorable reviews from reputable sources will be required before ordering a title. In addition, the following factors will be considered when selecting materials:
- The expressed or anticipated interest in the subject within the community.
- The contemporary significance and/or permanent value of the title to the collection
- The scope and depth of the existing collection
- The authority and literary standing of the author
- The appearance of the title in special bibliographies and indexes
- The availability of material elsewhere in the Southern Tier Library System
- The price
The David A. Howe Public Library is an unbiased repository for the recorded expression of humanity. It provides free access to the public of all points of view. The addition of an item to the collection in no way represents an endorsement by the library of any theory, idea, or policy contained therein. The David A. Howe Public Library will endeavor to represent all sides of an issue as far as budget, space, and availability of materials allow. The race, religion, nationality or political views of an author; the frankness of language; the controversial content of an item; or the endorsement or disapproval of an individual or group will not automatically dictate the inclusion or exclusion of an item. The library subscribes to the provisions of the Library Bill of Rights and the Intellectual Freedom Statement as adopted by the American Library Association.
The library will provide books and materials which are suitable for young adults and
children. Materials will be selected which are authentic in fact, straightforward in
presentation, unbiased in point of view, and within the child’s ability to comprehend.
However, the library will not follow a selection policy which prevents adults from reading mature literature even though it may fall into the hands of children. Responsibility for the reading choices of children rests with their parents or caregivers.
Adopted November12, 1981 by the David A. Howe Public Library Board of Trustees.
Amended October 9, 2007.