Check our our Teen Instagram for all the latest updates! Follow us on TikTok.
Contact us with questions or suggestions about Teen Programs, or for an invite link to the Discord server.
NERF Night Waiver
We our having a teen NERF night on February 26, from 8-9 PM. All teens who participate must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian to participate.
If you want to sign an ongoing waiver which will cover your teens for future NERF nights, as well as other light physical activities at the library (water balloons, tag, lawn games, etc) you can download and fill out this file:
If you want to sign a single-use waiver for February 26, download and fill out this file.
Dungeons & Dragons
Our Dungeons & Dragons club meets regularly from 3-4:30 on Friday afternoons! Stop by the loft area (upstairs) to join us. Feel free to email Ally for more information.

David A. Meow Visiting Hours
The library has a cat, and you can visit him! Check out our Facebook page for regular updates on cat visiting hours.

Keep up to date with our remind text alerts!
Join our Remind classroom to receive regular updates on our teen programming!
Teen Summer Reading
The Teen Summer Reading Program is a chance for our teen patrons to participate in book clubs, games, watch movies and win great prizes. The program lasts for six weeks during the summer. Check back for updates on the upcoming summer reading program!
Need Volunteer Hours?
The David A. Howe Public Library has many opportunities for students looking to fill volunteer hours for school. Contact us and we’ll get you started right away!