How do I get a card?
In order to get a library card as an adult, you must
- be in the ninth grade or older,
- be in good standing at local libraries,
- present ID such as a driver’s license, school or government ID, or postmarked mail you’ve received at your address,
- be present to register.
What are the rules?
Adult cardholders are responsible for following library rules and regulations.
- Library cards must be presented to check out books.
- The Library is not responsible for library cards used by unauthorized persons. It is the responsibility of the user to take care of her/his library card.
- If your library card is lost, please notify the Library immediately. There is a one-week waiting period from the date we are notified until the new card may be issued. Replacement charge for a lost, damaged or destroyed card is $5.00.
- If you plan to leave the area, please turn in your library card.
- Books can be renewed for a maximum of two times the same length of time as the original loan, if not on reserve. Renewals may be made by phone if an overdue notice has not been sent. Newer recorded materials and interlibrary loans cannot be renewed.
- A book drop is available through the main door and near the library parking lot for use when the library is closed. Do not put DVDs in the book drop.
What about DVDs?
The David A. Howe Public Library has for loan videos on DVD for HOME USE ONLY. Videos are borrowed at the patron’s own risk.
- DVDs are available on a free loan basis to individuals over age 18 having a current library card. The owner of the card must be present to borrow videos. DVDs are borrowed on a first come, first served basis.
- One cardholder may borrow a total of up to seven (7) movies at a time.
- The loan period for DVDs is seven (7) days. Newer DVDs are not renewable.
- DVDs should not be returned in the book drop. If a borrower returns a video in the book drop and the video is damaged, the borrower will be charged the replacement cost of the video. All other damaged videos are paid on a pre-adjusted scale. Full price is charged for lost DVDs.
- Return DVDs to the main desk during open hours.
What about overdue fines?
Please make every effort to return materials on time so they may be available to all patrons.
- Overdue fines are $.10 per day on adult books, audiobooks, and CDs with a maximum of $5.00 per item.
- Magazine fines are $.05 per day with a maximum of $1.00 per item.
- New DVDs that are overdue have a $2.00 per day per item rental fee with a maximum of $10.00. Other DVDs that are overdue have a $1.00 per day per item rental fee with a maximum of $5.00.
- Patrons whose fines, actual and/or estimated, exceed $5.00, or who have ten (10) or more items overdue, may not borrow materials or use public access computers.
- Fines of $25.00 or more that include replacement fees for lost materials may be turned over to a collection agency after two (2) notices have been sent without resolution.
Where can I use my card?
You may use your David A. Howe library card in at most public libraries in Allegany, Steuben, Chemung, Schuyler, and Yates counties. Please check with each library about borrowing privileges; policies may vary.